Oct 24, 2022
aShley, jennifer and tom Plunge intO the fOlKlore and mythology that mastermind taYLor swift haS created for her fans. come for tHe number 13 but stay, stay, stay for the illuminatI. are you ready for iT?
Oct 20, 2022
Ashley, Jennifer and Tom discuss everything Salem - from Hocus Pocus 2 and its connection to "Bewitched" to the town's original "rock star," Giles Corey
Oct 13, 2022
The team dives into the roots (and root vegetables) of All Hallows Eve before covering the 4 Cs of modern Halloween - customs, costumes, colors and candy corn. You'll want to "turnip" the volume on this one!
Oct 13, 2022
Ashley, Jennifer & Tom meander through the metaphysical and peer into the paranormal with Abracadabble. They're not experts or mediums; they're Dabblers - just like you! On this inaugural episode, they discuss their unique spiritual journeys and how they landed here. (Spoiler alert - they're all recovering Catholics.)